We are aware that we have a great commitment to the most valuable thing: Our Planet. This is why we work tirelessly to provide a more sustainable environment every day, reducing the environmental impact of our industry and creating a green mentality in everything around us.

1. GHG emissions inventory 2022
A process that allowed us to calculate the carbon footprint by identifying sources and emission factors in scope 1, 2 and 3, as well as developing an action plan to make immediate adjustments and generate short, medium and long-term strategies for both mitigation and compensation.
As a result of the process, we were awarded the voluntary environmental label, known as the VERDE DE VERDAD® Seal in the seed category, in recognition of our work as an organization that works for sustainability.

2. Planting native trees in the region
As part of our compensation actions, we promoted 2 days’ work of planting native trees on our hacienda. Our workforce, allies, suppliers, media, leaders and the community actively participated so as to raise awareness about the importance of caring for the planet, generating spaces for connection with nature and the territory, as well as strengthening the fabric that unites us around the preservation of the ecosystem that surrounds us.
Today we have more than 450 native trees of species such as:
Cold ground mangrove, sabanero rubber, callistemon, holly, sangaga and chicala.

3. Sustainability culture in our relationship actions
We have been promoting sustainable practices within our allies and supplier network such as reducing waste, use of organic materials, optimizing routes, energy efficiency strategies in the assembly process, among others. This makes our events innovative and increasingly sustainable versions.

4. Composting
We reduce the volume of waste sent to the landfill, using composting as a practice for organic components that result mainly from catering and decoration.
The resulting fertilizer is used in the maintenance of our gardens and green areas.

5. Rainwater management
We save and make efficient use of this resource and, then, use it for the irrigation and maintenance of our gardens, green areas and some interior spaces.

6. Recycling
We separate usable, organic and non-usable waste at the source, weigh it and record it for final disposal, ensuring that it is placed on a transparent and efficient circular route towards transformation processes or landfill in the case of non-usable waste.

We are committed to leaving places better than how we found them, striving to leave a positive mark in everything we do and understanding that what we leave today is the legacy for future generations.
The inspiration, design and implementation of our sustainability policies is made with the seal of:

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